This section of the guide covers how to RNG manipulate your Trainer ID for cosmetic purposes. TID RNG abuse is not required for manipulating specific spreads or Shiny Pokemon. This can be skipped if you are not interested in specific TIDs.

From here it is assumed that you have read and followed all of the setup and installation instructions found on the initial page of this guide.

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How Does This Work?

In BDSP, the game operates on a constantly advancing RNG seed, which determines all random events such as which Trainer ID you will be given upon starting a new save file. Moarencounterbots can track & monitor seeds in real-time and even automate seed progression to a specific point. This automation handles the tedious RNG work, allowing you to focus on hitting targets instead.

Figure 1 - SysBot Setup

Bot Setup (TID):

Opening the Hub tab displays the bot settings, here we can configure the bot to search for specific TIDs within any given number of advancements. Figure 1 displays a rough idea of what your settings should look like after proper configuration.

Settings Configuration:
  • Navigate to the Hub tab, then open the EncounterRNGBS dropdown menu.
  • Set the MaxTIDAdvances to a suitable number (10,000 advances takes ~2 hours).
  • Set the MonitorRefreshRate to 0 if you have not already done so.
  • Now open the StopConditions dropdown menu and navigate to TargetTIDBS.
  • Enter a comma separated list of acceptable TIDs (123456, 111111, 123123, etc.), then close and re-open SysBot.exe.
Bot Activation:
  • Navigate to the Bots tab, then type the local IP address of your console into the assigned field.
  • Select EncBotTIDBS from the dropdown menu on the right and click the Add button.
  • Open the game on your console with no save file loaded. You should now be on the language select screen.
  • Disconnect all controllers (JoyCons, Pro Controllers etc.), then click the Start All button on SysBot.
  • Observe your console and the SysBot Logs tab to confirm that the bot is functioning as intended.

The bot should begin to cycle through frames and reset the game, if configured correctly. This will be repeated until a result that matches the stop conditions has been found. After finding a target, the bot will then advance the RNG state until you are roughly 15 advancements away from your desired TID.

Figure 2 - Routine Added

Settings have been properly configured and EncBotTIDBS has been added to the list of active bots, it is now time to set up the game properly by opening a new save file on the language select screen.

Figure 3 - Game Setup

Once you have entered the language select screen, disconnect all controllers, then press the Start All button to initiate the routine. We will then wait until a desired result has been found (this may take a while).

Figure 4 - Target Found

TID found! View the Logs tab to see which of your desired TIDs has been found, keep the game paused on the Home Menu at this stage to avoid any unwanted advancements.

In this example the bot has found the TID 000005, and has paused 14 frames away from the target, we now need to understand how to hit the correct target frame in order to get our desired TID.

Hitting A Desired Result:
Monitoring the RNG state:
  1. Take note of the amount of advancements required to reach your target frame according to the Logs tab of SysBot.
  2. With the console still in the Home Menu, navigate to the Bots tab, right click EncBotTIDBS to remove it.
  3. Open the dropdown menu on the right once more, this time add EncBotRNGMonitorBS to the list of active bots instead.
  4. Click the Start All button and navigate to the Logs tab to monitor the RNG state until the target frame has been reached.
  5. Press the A button once you see the correct number of advancements on screen, this will lock in your TID unless you back out.
  6. Name your character, then mash through the dialogue until you are standing in the overworld outside of the players home, reconnect the bot at this stage.
  7. You should now see your Trainer ID and player name inside the Logs tab, confirm that this matches your expected TID.
Example - If there are 14 advancements until we reach the target frame, wait until 14 advancements have passed according to the logs before pressing the A button.

Figure 5 - Target Frame Hit

We can see that 14 advancements have occured, so we should quickly press the A button to lock in the TID at this point, then head into the overworld in-game to confirm the TID.

Figure 6 - In-game Result

The logs confirm that the correct target frame has been hit, mission accomplished!

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