SwSh Item RNG Guide (Retail)

This guide will cover the process of RNG abusing the Cram-o-matic and the PC lottery function in Sword/Shield using the SWSH Overworld RNG Generator by LegoFigure11. Item RNG abuse is best utilized to help players obtain rare/valuable items such as rare Pokeballs!

From here this guide assumes you are using an unmodified Switch console.

Click here if you are using a Switch console running Atmosphere CFW!
Download Links:
Installation Instructions:
  1. Download and extract all the contents from the SWSH_OWRNG_Generator_GUI.zip into an empty folder.
  2. Download .NET 7.0 SDK and go through the setup instructions provided.

Important Information

SWSH_OWRNG_Generator_GUI can be used to track the current RNG state, and the amount of advancements that have passed since idenfiying your current seed using the program. Frames will advance naturally depending on your location and the amount of NPCs that are present. Since both machines are located in-doors, these are the only variables that we need to consider.

Different in-game actions can also be used to advance the RNG state with varying influence, the most useful actions can be found in the table directly below.

Type of action Description of action Adv. influence
Player Movement Moving the player using the control stick, then letting the control stick fall back into it's resting state. This Includes whistle and bike bell.

1-3 Advancements per input.
Menu Close Opening and closing the pause menu using the X button.

Varying depending on location and environment, predictable (explained below).
NPC Activation Standing near an NPC to make them notice the player. Moving away from an NPC will cause them to "deactivate". Useful for covering short distances quickly.

~2500 advancements per minute.
Animations/Motions Having your Pokémon animate on the summary screen or party menu by clicking in the L3 button, or by using the Skip feature.

+1 advancement per animation on the individual Pokémon summary screen.

+1 advancement per button input on the party summary screen.
Figure 0 - Animation differences

In the first animation Espeon swipes towards the screen, this is a clear physical animation.
In the second animation Espeon stays in place using a psychic move, this is a clear special animation.

Retail Seed Identification & Re-identification:

The term "motions" or "animations" refers to a feature of the Pokémon summary page, when pressing the L3 button (clicking the left stick) your Pokémon will do one of two animations, physical or special. Recording these in sequence will eventually produce our current RNG state.

Identifying Your Current Seed:
  1. Open the Retail Seed Finder window and open press the X button to pause the game.
  2. Open the party menu, select a Pokemon, then click Summary.
  3. Perform an animation advance by pressing the L3 button, take note of if the animation was physical or special.
  4. If the animation was physical, click the (0)Physical button, if the animation was special, click the (1)Special button.
  5. Repeat this process 128 times, if done correctly your current seeds will now be visible on-screen. Click Update Main Form.
  6. At this stage it is safe to close the Retail Seed Finder window.
  7. Now your calculated current seed will be present in the Main Window, and you can begin searching for target frames!

Re-identifying Your Current Seed:
  1. Click the Generate Pattern button on the main window after identifying your seed.
  2. Open the party menu, select a Pokemon, then click Summary.
  3. Record 10-20 animations until you are left with 1 result. This is your new current seed.
  4. Click Update States, this will update your seed in the Main Window automatically.
  5. Search for your target frame again and confirm the seed re-identification was correct.


If you do not find a result after re-identification, or your target frame disappears, this is because either:

  • The initial seed identification (using the Retail Seed Finder) was incorrect. Which is a result of not recording the animations properly.
  • The re-identification animations were not recorded properly, and produced an invalid result.

To resolve this you will need to re-identify your current seed from the start, pay close attention to the sequence of animations to avoid producing incorrect results!

Seed re-identification plays a big role in advancing towards a target frame, and also helps to find out how many advancements will occur from a specific in-game action.

If your results are not desirable, you will need to reset the game and identify your current seeds again.

The Menu Close Advances Viewer window can be used to predict the amount of advancements that will pass from closing the pause menu. Closing the pause menu also has an added effect of freezing the RNG state in the area for a a few seconds, this makes it a great option for closing in on any target frames as it provides a lot more consistency in doing so.

For Loto-ID and the Cram-o-Matic the NPC Counts are likely as follows:

  • Wedgehurst Pokemon Center = 5 NPCs
  • Isle of Armor Dojo = 21 NPCs with completed story

If you have a different progression level, you will need to count the number of NPCs manually. If this is impossible you will need to start from 0 and work upwards until you find the correct NPC count.

By knowing how many advancements will occur from closing the pause menu, and having a window of silence to interact with the machine, we can near guarantee to hit any potential target frames.

When using the Consider menu close feature of the Menu Close Advances Viewer, the result output will be for the frame you should close the pause menu on, not the frame of which you should interact with the machine!

Manually Calculating NPC Count:
  1. Pause the game with the X button, then identify your current seeds using the Retail Seed Finder, keep the game paused while doing so.
  2. Click the Menu Close Advances Viewer button to open a smaller window, then copy your seeds from the main window into the correct fields of this window.
  3. Enter your number of advancements into the Init Adv. field. If the above steps were closely followed, this number should be 0.
  4. Enter the search range into the + field, then hit search, then quickly close and reopen the pause menu.
  5. Re-identify your current seed to work out how many advancements have passed from closing and opening the pause menu.
  6. Subtract the amount of advancements that were consumed by re-identifying your current seed from the total amount of advancements that have occurred.
  7. If the values do not match what the Menu Close Advances Viewer expects, tweak the number inside the NPCs field by +1 until you get a match.
Example - If 18 advancements have occurred from closing the pause menu and re-identifying the seed, and it took 14 advancements to re-identify, then 4 frames passed from opening and closing the pause menu.

With all the required reading out of the way, let's get into it!

Cram-o-matic RNG abuse

The goal is to interact with the Cram-o-matic on the calculated target frame given to us by the Cram-o-Matic window of SWSH_OWRNG_Generator_GUI. We will be using the advancement methods listed in the table above to hit the target frame.

In this example we will be aiming for a 5 Level Balls. You can be more specific with the filters if you wish, such as filtering for a specific rare items.

First, stand near the Cram-o-matic and pause the game, then begin recording animations to identify your current seed.

Figure 1 - Tool setup:

Awesome, everything looks good! We can see our current seeds on the Cram-o-matic tab and have our filters set properly, it's time to search for a target frame.

Figure 2 - Game setup

Setup (Cram-o-Matic):
  1. Progress to the point of having access to the Cram-o-Matic
  2. Have at least 4 apricorns in your inventory to throw into the machine.
  3. Stand near to the Cram-o-Matic, press the X button to pause the game.
  4. Identify your current seed using animations.
  5. Open the Cram-o-Matic tab, then set the filters & NPC count.
  6. Search for a desirable target frame.

If your results are not desirable, repeat the following:

  1. Restart your game and enter the overworld.
  2. Pause the game, then re-identify your current seed again.
  3. Search again, do this until you have desirable results.

Figure 3 - Target found!

We found a target frame! 5 Rare balls on advance 41 (after considering 21 NPCs with menu close). This will be the frame we close the pause menu and interact with the Cram-o-matic.

Advancing towards the target

The generator displays the target on frame 41, you do not need to account for any delay. This means we will aim to interact with the Cram-o-matic on frame 41.

Earlier we calculated that there are 21 NPCs in the area, we need this information to accurately predict the amount of advancements that will occur from closing the pause menu.

Hitting Your Target Frame:
  • Advance towards your target frame using any method listed inside the table above
  • Re-identify your current seed gradually to avoid overshooting the target frame.
  • Once you are within a few hundred frames of your target, stand within distance of the Cram-o-matic so that you can immediately interact with it in a single A press.
  • Pause the game using the X button, then re-identify your current seed again.
Tip - From this point it's recommended to only use menu close & amimation advancements as they advance in small increments, making them easy to keep track of.
  • Open the Cram-o-matic window, paste your seeds into the correct fields, then enter your target frame into the + field.
  • Enter the amount of NPCs into the NPCs field, then click search to find your new target frame.

Tip - If you are unable to find your target frame in the search results, this means the target cannot be hit using menu close predition based on your seed.

Use animations to advance the RNG state slightly, then change the number in the Init Adv. field accordingly and search again, do this until your target frame is visible.

  • Open and close the pause menu until closing the menu a single time lands onto your target frame, according to the Cram-o-Matic window prediction.
  • Close the pause menu and quickly interact with the Cram-o-matic, if you believe you hit your target frame, feed it the appropriate apricorns to claim your reward.

You can be creative with the methods you use to advance the RNG state. Menu close prediction is not necessary but will make for a much easier time hitting target frames and is extremely helpful in areas of the game where the RNG advances at a quick pace.

Figure 4/5 - Result Found!

The result matches the output of the generator, mission accomplished! We got 5 Level Balls from the Cram-o-matic on our first attempt!

That's all there is to RNG abusing the Cram-o-matic on retail hardware!

Rotom Lottery RNG abuse

The goal is to interact with the Rotom PC in any Pokecenter on the calculated target frame given to us by the Loto-ID tab of the generator. We will be using the advancement methods listed at the top of the page and using menu close prediction to hit the target frame.

In this example we will be aiming for a Master Ball. You can be more specific with the filters if you wish, such as filtering for a specific rare item.

Figure 1 - Tool setup:

Awesome, everything looks good! We can see our current seeds on the Loto-ID tab and have our filters set properly, it's time to search for a target frame.

Figure 2 - Game setup

Setup (Rotom Lottery):
  1. Stand near to the Rotom PC in any Pokemon Center (Wedgehurst recommended)
  2. Press the X button to pause the game.
  3. Identify your current seed using animations.
  4. Open the Loto-ID tab, then set the filters & NPC count.
  5. Search for a desirable target frame.

If your results are not desirable, repeat the following:

  1. Restart your game and enter the overworld.
  2. Pause the game, then re-identify your current seed again.
  3. Search again, do this until you have desirable results.

Figure 3 - Target found!

We found a target frame! A Master Ball on advance x. This will be the frame we close the pause menu and interact with the Rotom PC in the Pokecenter.

Advancing towards the target

The generator displays the target on frame 52, you do not need to account for any delay. This means we will aim to interact with the PC on frame 52.

Earlier we calculated that there are 7 NPCs in the area, we need this information to accurately predict the amount of advancements that will occur from closing the pause menu.

Hitting Your Target Frame:
  • Advance towards your target frame using any method listed inside the table above
  • Re-identify your current seed gradually to avoid overshooting the target frame.
  • Once you are within a few hundred frames of your target, stand within distance of the Rotom PC so that you can immediately interact with it in a single A press.
  • Pause the game using the X button, then re-identify your current seed again.
Tip - From this point it's recommended to only use menu close & amimation advancements as they advance in small increments, making them easy to keep track of.
  • Open the Loto-ID window, paste your seeds into the correct fields, then enter your target frame into the + field.
  • Enter the amount of NPCs into the NPCs field, then click search to find your new target frame.

Tip - If you are unable to find your target frame in the search results, this means the target cannot be hit using menu close predition based on your seed.

Use animations to advance the RNG state slightly, then change the number in the Init Adv. field accordingly and search again, do this until your target frame is visible.

  • Open and close the pause menu until closing the menu a single time lands onto your target frame, according to the Loto-ID window prediction.
  • Close the pause menu and quickly interact with the Rotom PC, if you believe you hit your target frame, click the lottery option to claim your reward.

You can be creative with the methods you use to advance the RNG state. Menu close prediction is not necessary but will make for a much easier time hitting target frames and is extremely helpful in areas of the game where the RNG advances at a quick pace.

Figure 4/5 - Result Found!

The result matches the output of the generator, mission accomplished!

That's all there is to RNG abusing the PC lottery function on retail hardware!