Max Raid RNG Guide (CFW)

This guide provides in-depth coverage of how to use PokeFinder by AdmiralFish to RNG abuse Max Raid Battles in Sword/Shield. Using raid RNG abuse you can predict the internal values of upcoming raids (IVs, Nature, Shiny Status etc.) and filter for desirable results.

Each raid is given a randomly assigned "den seed", this seed is used to determine which Pokemon will be inside a den. Every day that passes will increment the den seed by 1 in a predictable manner, making Raid RNG abuse entirely possible using a process known as "date skipping". Simply skip the required amount to reach your desired seed.

From here it is assumed you are using a CFW Switch console running Atmosphere.

Don't have CFW installed? Click here for the retail focused guide!
Setup Instructions:
You will need:
  1. Download the latest version of PokeFinder for your operating system, then extract all the contents into a clean, empty folder.
  2. Download & extract the latest versions of Tesla Menu & NXOvloader into a known location on your computer.
  3. You should now two folders named atmosphere and switch, move these folders to the root of your Switch SD card.
  4. Download & extract the latest versions of CaptureSight & Luxray into a known location on your computer.
  5. Open the /switch/.overlays/ directory on your SD card, then drag capturesight.ovl & luxray.ovl into this folder.
  6. Plug the SD card back into your console, then launch SysCFW and confirm that everything has been installed properly.
  1. PokeFinder launches properly with no issues or pop ups (install Visual C++ Redistributable) ✅
  2. Tesla Menu opens properly when pressing the button combination ✅
  3. Luxray & Capturesight overlays are present in the list Tesla overlays ✅
Tesla Menu requires a button combination to launch the program, this is done by pressing and holding the L button, DPAD Down, and pressing in the Right Stick at the same time (how to launch Tesla Menu).

Ensure that all of the programs have been set up correctly before continuing, as from here onwards it will be assumed that everything has been set up properly and is working as intended.

Tool Overviews

This section will cover the essential details you need to know in order to use each of the required tools. If you do not yet have a complete understanding of how each of the tools, follow along with this section.

Figure 1 - PokeFinder Overview


PokeFinder Overview

Pictured above is the window you will be presented with after opening the Gen 8 Raid section of PokeFinder for the first time. For the purposes of this guide, this window will be referred to as the "main" window. Here is where we can calculate upcoming advances and search for targets based on the search parameters.

Feature Overview:
  • Left Side - Enter search conditions, select a specific raid, and input seed and # of advances.
  • Center - Specify raid details, such as species, raid type (common/rare), and difficulty (star level).
  • Right Side - Search filter details, filter for high IV, specific nature, and/or shiny targets.
  • Top - Profile management, enter your 5 digit IDs & trainer information from your save file here.
  • Bottom - Search result output, any result that matches your filters will be displayed here.

By clicking Gen 8 Tools at the top of the main window, you can select the Den Map button to open a sub window which contains a map of the Wild Area. Here you can look at the exact location of raid you currently have selected, this is indicated by the red circle on the map display.

You can use the Den Map to quickly navigate to your desired den in-game, as using other sources to locate raid locations can often be confusing.

Finding your 5 digit TID/SID:

Due to the nature of how raid shininess works, it is not required to set a profile in PokeFinder. But for the purposes of "proof" in trading communities, you may want to add a profile for the game you are currently using, this will have the tool output the correct PID for your Pokemon based on your 5 digit TID/SID combination.

  1. Load your save file into PKHeX, then right click and view a self obtained Pokemon.
  2. Open the OT/Misc tab and hover over the TID field with your mouse.
  3. Your 5 digit TID/SID will be displayed, these are the values PokeFinder expects.

Figure 2 - Capturesight Overview


Capturesight Overview

Upon launching Tesla Menu on your switch, you will be presented with something similar to the above image. Here is where you will launch the Capturesight (and Luxray) overlays. CaptureSight is used to find your current Raid Den seed.

Using Capturesight:
  • Open the Tesla Menu, then launch capturesight by pressing the A button.
  • Scroll down to the Dens sub heading, this is where you can view a list of dens relevant to the map you are in.
  • Active Dens is used for wishing piece RNG, and All Dens is used for "natural" spawned raid RNG.
  • You can now click around and view the den seed of any active or inactive Max Raid, become familiar with using CaptureSight before continuing.

In capturesight all of the seeds for raid dens are visible. The Den IDs displayed on Capturesight should line up with the Den IDs displayed by PokeFinder, making it quick and easy to find a seed for any specific Raid Den.

Figure 3 - Luxray Overview


Luxray Overview

Luxray is a tool used for automating the (otherwise tedious) date skipping process. As mentioned above, the den seed increments by one after each day that passes. Luxray can be used to alter the system clock and make the game believe that a day has passed, thus incrementing any den seeds.

Using Luxray:

Upon launching, you will be presented with a calculator-style application with three main features, these are:

  1. Set - Sets the network time to a desired date, based on the figure typed into the calculator. Useful for changing the weather.
  2. Step - Initiates date skipping, based on the figure amount typed into the calculator. Used to automate date-skipping.
  3. NTP - Sets the date and time back to network time, this should be done after every date-skipping session.
Date & Time must be synced via the internet in order to use Luxray, as it takes advantage of System time manipulation.

You should have gained a good understanding of how to use each of the tools. Click on the button below to get started!

Wishing Piece RNG!