Wishing Piece Raid RNG (CFW)

This section provides a worked example of how to do Wishing Piece RNG manipulation for Max Raid battles. Wishing Piece RNG involves throwing a Wishing Piece into your chosen Raid Den, searching for a desirable result using PokeFinder, then advancing seed by date skipping using Luxray until the result has been acquired.

From here it is assumed that you have followed all of the setup instruction found on the main page, and have a general understanding of how to use each of the necessary tools.

Figure 1 - Den Finding & Search Filters


Finding Your Den ID:

Before anything else, you will need to pick the Den or Pokemon you wish to RNG abuse in. This is best achieved using an online resource, such as the Serebii.net Raid Encounter Tables.

Navigate to your desired Raid Den in the game and defeat the Pokemon if one is present. Then, throw in a Wishing Piece to save the game. Next, you'll need to match the in-game den with the corresponding Den ID in PokeFinder. You can refer to the image above for an example of how to do this or follow these steps:

Finding the Den ID:
  1. Open the Den Map found in the Gen 8 Tools dropdown menu of PokeFinder.
  2. Select the map that corrisponds to the map which contains your desired Pokemon (Wild Area | IoA | CT).
  3. Select different Den IDs until you find one in the rough location of where you are standing in-game.
  4. Once you are confident that you have found your den, select the Den ID in the main window of PokeFinder.
  5. In the central portion of PokeFinder, select the den rarity if you are not hunting an event distribution den.
  6. Compare the species list inside the dropdown menu and make sure it matches the species that you are observing in-game.

To obtain the correct raid type, especially if your Pokémon appears only in a Rare (PURPLE beam) raid, follow these steps:

  • Wishing Piece Method - Continuously throw Wishing Pieces into the den until the correct rarity raid appears. Clear the den or throw wishing pieces elsewhere to despawn the raid if necessary.
  • Restart Method - Throw a Wishing Piece into your chosen den, press the Home button once the beam appears. If it's not the desired rarity, restart the game.

For event distribution dens, use the first method as event distributions also have red beams.

If your den is from a promotional event distribution, select Event in the Location dropdown menu on the left, then select the exact distribution in the dropdown directly below. You do not need to track your Raid Den location.

Figure 2 - Finding Your Current Seed


Finding Your Current Seed

After finding your Den ID using the above method, you can begin searching for your current seed. This is done by opening the Tesla Menu on your console and launching the CaptureSight overlay.

Using CaptureSight:
  1. Open the Tesla Menu, then open the CaptureSight overlay and navigate to the Raid section.
  2. Click on the Active Raid button that corresponds to the map location of your desired raid.
  3. Select the raid that has a matching Den ID, you should now see the seed of the raid den.
  4. Manually type the seed given by CaptureSight into the Seed field of PokeFinder.

Figure 3 - Searching For Results


Searching For Results

At this stage you should know your Den ID and location and have these fields configured properly in the main PokeFinder window. After using CaptureSight find your den seed, set the search filters in PokeFinder to match what you are searching for.

Setting search filters:
  1. Type the seed given by CaptureSight into the Seed field of PokeFinder.
  2. In the central portion, check that the Rarity field has been configured properly.
  3. In the Species dropdown menu, select your desired species and star count.
  4. On the right set your search filters, such as filtering for IVs, Shininess, Nature etc.
  5. Click Search, if you do not find a desirable result, increase your search range or find a new seed.
In the above example (Figure 3), after searching we found no desirable results. So we now need to throw a Wishing Piece into a random Raid Den, then head back to ours and throw another Wishing Piece inside to regenerate the seed, then search for results again.

Figure 4 - Target Found!


We found a Shiny, Naive Natured Coalossal on advance 85, it's now time to begin advancing towards the target!

Advancing Towards A Target

This section covers how to advance the seed to reach a given target, and how to manipulate the species to match your desired Pokemon.

Advancing Towards The Target

Target found! in Figure 4 we can see that a Shiny, Naive natured Coalossal has been found in 85 advances (common beam). It is now time to begin advancing the seed using date skipping until we are close to the target.

The seed is advanced 1-by-1 per day that has passed, which means we will need to advance 85 days to hit our target seed. We can trick the game into thinking a day has passed using the Luxray date advancement tool (recommended for speed), or using the date skipping exploit (recommended if you dislike the idea of using Luxray to artificially modify the system date).

Date Skipping Methods:
Using Luxray (Recommended):
  1. Open the Tesla Menu, then open Luxray, a calculator will appear.
  2. Type the number of advancements you wish to do into the calculator.
  3. Stand inside an in-door location in game, then press the Step button.
  4. Wait for the calculator to count down to 0, then head to your Raid Den (~7000 advances per hour).

Manual Methods

Fast Manual Method:
  1. Enter an online single or double battle, you can search without a code for quicker wait times.
  2. Enter airplane mode once you enter the battle. Alternatively you can play out the whole battle if you wish.
  3. From here navigate to the System Settings and change the date ahead by one day, then re-open the game.
  4. If done correctly your raid should now give off Watts again, as if you have not interacted with it in the first place.
  5. From here you can date-skip easily by repeating step 3. This exploit needs to be re-activated every time the game is reset.
Slow Manual Method:
  1. Find an active Max Raid, interact with it, then click "Invite Others".
  2. From here navigate to the System Settings and change the date ahead by one day.
  3. Exit back to the main menu of the home screen and reopen the game.
  4. If done correctly your raid should now give off Watts again, as if you have not interacted with it in the first place.
  5. To repeat this process you will need to start again from step 1.
For targets >1000 advances away, navigate to an in-door locaion, like a PokeCenter before date skipping. Skipping long distances inside the Wild Areas can cause the game to crash due to the constantly changing Max Raids.

If you wish to manipulate the den species, you must stop advancing 3 frames before your target! In this example our target is on advance 85, so we should do 82 advances if we wish to manipulate the species.

Due to the behaviour of raid dens, a techniques known as the "3 day method" is used to control the species. The first 2 advances will have the species locked in place, while the third advance (or the third day) will be able to be manipulated using the method below.

Figure 5 - Species Manipulation


Species Manipulation (The "3 Day" Method)

At this stage you should be exactly 3 advances/days away from your target (today(0), second day(1), third day(2), target day(3)), from here you can manipulate the species on the "target day".

In the above image, the game has been saved and we are 3 advances away from the target. After advancing the seed 3 times, the species is incorrect. This problem can be corrected by doing the following:

Species Manipulation Tutorial:
  1. Check your seed and confirm that you are exactly 3 advances away from the target.
  2. Once you are confident that you are 3 advances away, save the game in this state.
  3. Advance the seed 3 times using date skipping, then interact with the den. If the species is wrong, reset the game.
  4. You should now be stood outside your den 3 advances away, repeat step 3 until your desired species appears.
  5. (Optional) Save the game after acquiring your desired species if you intend to share it with friends.
Take note of the date the game was saved on, as if a new day passes (according to System Time), the seed will advance.

Figure 6 - Result Found!


The den now contains the desired species, in this case, a 5 star Shiny Coalossal! We can now capture the Pokemon or share the raid with friends.

That's all there is to manipulating Max Raid Battles using Custom Firmware!