Spawner Legendary RNG (Retail)

This page aims to provide a worked example of how to RNG abuse Pokemon that are associated with Spawner RNG in Legends: Arceus, using RNG scripts developed by Lusamine, as mentioned on the prior page.

From here it is assumed that you have already followed all of the setup & installation instructions found on the introductory page of this guide. You should also understand how to interact with a SysBot to dump the necessary .pa8 files needed to use the scripts.

Didn't read through the main page? Click here to go back!

Worked Example - Spawner RNG

Before anything else, it is important to disable autosave, gather enough healing/throwable items, and have a strong Pokemon capable of easily defeating the Pokemon you wish to RNG abuse.

Figure 1 - How To Use - Seed Solver Script

First, dump the two necessary .pa8 files of the Pokemon you are hunting, then place them into the pa8 folder that was created earlier, check that the path is correct, then run the script after doing so.

After a short wait you should now see that a group seed has been produced, copy it, this seed is the seed that the Calculation Script will need to calculate the upcoming advancements of the Pokemon on the spawner that you are searching.

Figure 2 - How To Use - RNG Calculation Script

Copy the group seed that was produced by the Seed Solver Script, then paste it into the Spawner RNG Calculation Script on the line that starts with ulong group_seed = 0x (located towards the top of the script).

In this example the seed that was produced is 264cc9c14e639858, If you have pasted the seed into the script correctly it should look similar to the following:

// Initial State
ulong group_seed = 0x1234567887654321; // group seed
ulong init = unchecked(group_seed)
Xoroshiro128Plus rng = new(init)

Figure 3 - Setting Filters - Calculation Script

To search for flawless IV spreads, activate the filters found towards the bottom of the script. By default the IV filters will be disabled and will need to be activated manually, this can be done by removing the comments (*/) that surround the IV filters at the top and the bottom.

For Heatran specifically, you will also need to set the GenderCompare value at the top of the script to 127, Heatran is the only case where this value should be changed from -1 as the rest of these legendaries have a fixed gender or are genderless.

If your search result is not desirable or you do not find any results when searching with filters, you will need to return to Jubilife then back to the map that contains the legendary you are hunting in order to refresh the seed, then find your current seed again (see Figure 1).

Figure 4 - Target Found!

We will be searching for any Enamorus with an speed IV value of 0, In the above image, we can see that there is an Enamorus that matches this description in 5 advances! This means we will need to knock out and respawn Enamorus 5 times to hit the correct target frame.

Advance the RNG state using the method mentioned on the main page. Enamorus is one of the Pokemon that will despawn when defeated, so we will will need to follow the "despawns when defeated" steps in order to effectively respawn it.

Figure 5 - Result Found!

After advancing 5 frames we have now reached our target frame and found the Enamorus that is believed to have an speed IV value of 0!

Legends: Arceus has no way to check the exact IV values in-game, this means you will need to confirm the IVs of the Pokemon by either dumping it using a SysBot or viewing it inside Pokemon HOME.

Note - It is heavily recommended to dump the Pokemon using a SysBot to check the stats, depositing the Pokemon into Pokemon HOME will force your game to save with whatever Pokemon you currently have. This may leave you stuck with an undesirable Pokemon.
Figure 6 - IV confirmation

After dumping the Enamorus using Sysbot.NET and viewing the file in PKHeX, we have confirmed that the IVs & nature match what was produced by the script.

That's all there is to RNG Pokemon tied to spawners on retail hardware!