This section of the guide covers how to RNG manipulate day-care eggs. In BDSP, the day-care can be found in Solaceon Town.

At this stage you should have already followed all of the setup and installation instructions found on the initial page of this guide.

Missed some setup instructions? Click here to go back!
How Does This Work?

In BDSP, the game operates on a constantly advancing RNG seed, which determines all random events such as shininess, and stats of eggs. Moarencounterbots can track & monitor seeds in real-time and even automate seed progression to a specific point. This automation handles the tedious RNG work, allowing you to focus on finding and hitting targets instead.

Egg Generation

Eggs have a chance of being generated after 180 steps have passed since the Pokemon were deposited in the day-care, this is known as the "egg step counter". How the internal details of the egg is generated depends on if the player has access to the Oval Charm.

  • Without Oval Charm - Egg details are generated on pickup in an unstable environment.
  • With Oval Charm - Egg details are generated when the egg is generated, can be done in a more stable environment.
For stability reasons, it is best to have the Oval Charm, then generate the egg in an area where the RNG advancements are more stable, it can then be picked up from the day-care man at any point. This guide only supports the Oval Charm method.

First, you will need to configure PokeFinder to match the details of the Pokemon you are hunting, then set the desired search filters.

Figure 1 - PokeFinder Setup

PokeFinder Setup

Click the Gen 8 -> Egg button after launching PokeFinder to open the main window for breeding eggs. Here is where we will fill in all the details about the Pokemon being hunted.

RNG Setup:
  • Select the correct profile from the dropdown menu at the top of the PokeFinder window.
  • Double check your profile and make sure your 5 digit IDs are entered correctly, and that you have selected Oval/Shiny charms.
  • On the left, select the egg compatibility phrase, this is displayed after talking to the day-care man in-game (example).
  • In the Max Advances field, enter the amount of frames you are willing to search through.
  • In the Settings section in the middle, specify the egg parent species details.
  • Select the Masuda checkbox if you are using parents with different language tags (Masuda Method).
  • Configure your search filters on the right, such as searching for any Shiny, or a 6IV Pokemon. Filters can be also combined.
Ditto takes the place of the second parent, if your non-ditto parent is male, Ditto is considered the mother and vice versa. If the Pokemon you are breeding does not have a gender, Ditto takes place of Parent B.

Next, you will need to find your current seed, this can be done using Moarencounterbots (SysBot.NET).

Figure 2 - Finding Current Seed

Finding Current Seed

To easily obtain your current seed at any given point you can use the EncBotCopySeedBS bot routine in Moarencounterbots. You will need to toggle a few settings in the Hub tab for use with PokeFinder.

CopySeed Setup:
  • In the Hub tab, open the EncounterRNGBS dropdown menu.
  • Select Bit64PokeFinder in the DisplaySeedMode dropdown menu.
  • Set the MonitorRefreshRate to 0, this will be needed later.
  • In the Bots tab, type the local IP address of the console.
  • In the dropdown menu on the right, select EncBotCopySeedBS and add the bot.

When starting the EncBotCopySeedBS bot at any point your seed will be produced inside the Logs tab. These seeds can be pasted into the Seed 0 & Seed 1 fields of PokeFinder to search for targets that match your search parameters.

Now that you understand how to obtain your current seed, you will need to position yourself poperly in game.

Figure 3 - Game Setup

Game Setup
  • Equip your Pokemon with the relevant breeding items (e.g Everstone, Destiny Knot).
  • Stand next to the day-care woman and save the game.
  • Deposit your breeding parents, then without taking any steps, open the Poketch.
  • Open the Step Counter application and clear the current steps, this will be used for generating the egg.
  • Pause the game using the Home button, then begin searching for seeds.

Figure 4 - Target Frame Found!

Target Frame Found!

In Figure 4, we can see that a Shiny x that matches the search filters has been produced in y advances, this is the frame that we will aim to generate the egg.

Undesirable Result?
  • Reset the game to refresh the seed, then enter the overworld.
  • Run EncBotCopySeedBS again to produce a new seed.
  • Paste the new seeds into PokeFinder and search again.
  • Repeat until a desirable result has been found.

Consider increasing the search range if you are consistently finding "bad" seeds. Moarencounterbots is capable of advancing millions of frames with ease using the EncBotDexFlipBS routine. Alternatively you can opt to use less strict search filters.

From here you will need to advance towards your target frame. The majority of the work can be done using Moarencounterbots, but again this will require changing settings inside the Hub tab.

Figure 5 - Advancement Setup

Advancement Setup

To advance large distances as quickly as possible, use the EncBotDexFlipBS routine. A description of this routine can be found here. Having a decent chunk of your Pokedex completed is important for optimizing this method.

Settings Toggles:
  • In the Hub tab, open the EncounterRNGBS dropdown menu.
  • Set the MaxTotalAdvances value to ~10,000 frames before your target (e.g if Target is at 100,000, set to 90,000).
  • In the Bots tab, type the local IP address into the assigned field and remove any other active bots.
  • In the dropdown menu on the right, add both EncBotDexFlipBS and EncBotRNGMonitorBS

After the settings have been properly toggled, open the Pokedex in game, disconnect all controllers using the unsync button, then start the bot. The bot will automatically pause the game when the MaxTotalAdvances has been reached.

You do not need to use the Dex Flip routine if your target is of a small distance away, scrolling the Pokedex manually while monitoring your seed is effective enough in these cases.

Figure 6 - Dex Flip Complete

Reconnect your controller after the Dex Flip routine has ended. If you are using JoyCons simply slide them onto the rails as you would normally. If you are using a pro controller and it does not automatically sync (or registers as a second controller), you will need to reconnect your controller from the controller settings.

Final Advancements

Once you are close to your target frame (within ~10,000 frames), you will need to advance the rest of the way and hit your target frame slowly using EncBotRNGMonitorBS to monitor your seed. It is assumed that you have correctly followed the Game Setup found in Figure 3.

The recommended method of hitting a target frame accurately is by pressing the home button twice to resume and pause the game, this technique is known as "home mashing". While you can hit targets without using this technique, it is considered less consistent.

Final Advancements
  • Leave the day-care building, then fly to the players house and head upstairs, this area provides naturally slow paced advancements.
  • Once you are upstairs, walk around until 179 steps have been taken, according to the Poketch step counter, then press the Home button to freeze the RNG state.
  • Remove all active bots from the SysBot list, then add EncBotCopySeedBS to the bot list and click Start All.
  • Paste the updated seeds into PokeFinder then search for your target again, this will provide your new target frame. Remove EncBotCopySeedBS after doing this.
  • Add EncBotRNGMonitorBS instead, click Start All to monitor your RNG state, then unpause the game, monitor until you are ~100 frames from your target.
  • Once you are within 100 frames of youe target, press the Home button to freeze the RNG state once more.
You may optionally choose to manually advance the RNG state by scrolling the Pokedex. Be careful not to overshoot your target!
  • Use the home mashing technique mentioned above to inch towards your target frame slowly. Once you hit the correct target frame keep the game paused on the Home Menu.
  • Unpause the game and quickly take a step to generate the egg (on step 180), then go fly to Solaceon Town to redeem your egg from the day-care man. If done correctly the egg should match what is expected by PokeFinder.
If the Egg has been sent to your party, deposit it into Box 1 to use PokeViewer.NET's Box View function to read the details and confirm the target frame has been properly hit.

Figure 7 - Target Frame Hit

In Figure 7, PokeFinder displays the target on advance x, and SysBot logs indicate that y number of advancements have occured, so we can now take the final step (180) to generate the egg, then redeem the egg from the day-care man to confirm the target frame has been hit.

Figure 8 - Result Found (PokeViewer.NET Confirmation)

After claiming the egg from the day-care man, then opening PokeViewer.NET and using the Box View function, we can see that the Pokemon matches the PokeFinder search result. Mission accomplished!

Missing target frames? Click here for an encounter troubleshooting guide!