Dialga/Palkia RNG Abuse

This section of the guide aims to provide a worked example for how to RNG abuse the Box Legendary Pokemon, Dialga/Palkia.

Ensure Autosave is disabled and that you have a full team of 6 Pokemon before beginning this portion of the guide. This provides a safety net for failed targets and makes it easier to check results.

If you've reached this point, you should have already completed the initial setup and acquired a basic understanding of how to utilize Moarencounterbots and the Main RNG calculation script. Additionally, you should be familiar with using PokeViewer.NET to view Pokemon.

Don't understand how to use the tools/scripts yet? Click here to go back!
Picking Your Method:

Choose the method you prefer for this encounter; Dialga/Palkia are generated at different times depending on the method used. The two available methods will be named the Cutscene Method and the Death Method. After reviewing the descriptions of each method, choose the one that best suits your preferences and click the hyperlink to jump to the relevant section.

Cutscene Method:
Can be used for base form and origin form Dialga/Palkia, suitable for more experienced players.

Cutscene method requires skipping a cutscene at a precise moment in order to initiate a battle with Dialga/Palkia. The internal details of the Pokemon will be generated after skipping the cutscene and entering the battle.

If you choose this method for origin form Dialga/Palkia, it's crucial to be capable of consistently defeating the boss battle without losing. Losing to the boss will cause the Pokemon to regenerate, causing you to miss your target frame.

Death Method:
Only useable for origin form Dialga/Palkia. This method is beginner friendly.

The Death Method involves intentionally losing towards the end of the battle with Dialga or Palkia. The internal details of the Pokemon will regenerate after re-entering the battle from the continue screen. This allows you to retain your boss battle progress and defeat the boss more easily.

This method is more forgiving because you're allowed to lose to the boss battle without missing your target. However, it will involve waiting for a longer time period before reaching your target frame.

Cutscene Method

If you are reading this text you have decided to use the Cutscene Method, here you can find a worked example of how to RNG abuse Dialga/Palkia using this method.

Reminder - Losing to the origin boss battle will cause it to regenerate, which will make your results inaccurate. Ensure you can defeat the boss in one attempt or use the Death Method instead.
Getting Started (Delay Calculation):

You will need to calculate the rough delay for this encounter. The term 'delay' refers to how long it takes for the Pokemon to generate after the final A Press. Since the number of frames that advance during the cutscene is variable, it's important to take a few practice attempts to determine a delay that is consistent for you.

Open the game and enter the cutscene before the boss battle, then press the A button until you reach the screen of the screen of the final A button press. From here, pick the method you want to use.

Method 1 (Immediate Cutscene Skip)

This method is simpler since you only target one delay, but will require you to be consistent at skipping the cutscene.

  • Press the Home button (⌂) to freeze the RNG state, then check your current seed by running EncBotCopySeedLA in Moarencounterbots.
  • Paste your current seed into the Main RNG script, then search without filters. This will provide the starting frame.
  • Press the Home button (⌂) to unpause the game and quickly press the A button. The cutscene will begin and then fade out to a black screen.
  • Once the next part of the cutscene loads, attempt to skip it as fast as possible by pressing the + button followed by the X button.
  • Defeat the boss (origin form) or enter the battle (base form) and inspect the result using PokeViewer to find the frame it was generated on. That will be your delay for this attempt.

Method 2 (Targeted Cutscene Skip)

This method may be more consistent for origin form, but requires approximating the first delay in order to more precisely hit a second delay. The suggestion is to press A on the final A button press screen when you are roughly 130 advancements away from your target frame.

  • Press the Home button (⌂), then connect EncBotRNGMonitorLA in Moarencounterbots. Set BotEncounter > EncounterLA > MonitorRefreshRate to 0.
  • Press the Home button (⌂), then press the A button to start the cutscene (this should be performed at around 130 advances before your target frame).
  • Press the + button to open the option to skip the cutscene, observe the Logs of Moarencounterbots until 110-120 frames have passed.
  • Press the Home button (⌂) to freeze the RNG state, then check your current seed by running EncBotCopySeedLA in Moarencounterbots.
  • Paste your current seed into the Main RNG script, then search without filters. This will provide the starting frame.
  • Press the Home button (⌂) to unpause the game and quickly press the X button to skip the cutscene when you are around 0-5 frames away from your target.
  • Defeat the boss (origin form) or enter the battle (base form) and inspect the result using PokeViewer to find the frame it was generated on. That will be your delay for this attempt.

The example will continue with the Immediate Cutscene Skip method, but you can use the Targeted Cutscene Skip in a similar fashion, and both methods can be used for origin and non origin form Dialga/Palkia respectively.

Figure 1 - Calculating Delay (Cutscene Method)

After following the delay calculation steps and searching for the PID of the encountered Palkia, we find that it was generated on frame 58. Therefore, our delay for this attempt is 58. After 5 attempts, we have the following delay values:

Attempt Delay Value
Attempt 1 58
Attempt 2 57
Attempt 3 65
Attempt 4 62
Attempt 5 58

This means a safe delay value to target in future attempts is 58-65. The displayed delay values are based on how quickly I was able to skip the cutscene and enter the battle with Palkia; your values may vary depending on the speed at which you skip the cutscene or if you choose not to skip it at all.

Now that we have a rough delay range, it's time to focus on finding a suitable seed and target frame.

Figure 2 - Setting Filters

In this example, the filters are configured to search for any Palkia with 6 perfect IVs (31/31/31/31/31/31). You can further customize the filters if desired, such as specifying a particular nature or optimizing for 0 IV values, such as 0 Attack.

Figure 3 - Target Frame Found

Great! We discovered a 6IV Docile Palkia after 24,864 advances within a cluster of 4. A cluster refers to a group of frames that produce the same end result; the larger the cluster, the greater the chances of hitting the correct target frame.

Now, we need to advance close to our target frame. Monitor your RNG state by running EncBotRNGMonitorLA in Moarencounterbots; this will track the number of advancements that occur in real time.

Figure 4 - RNG State Monitoring Using EncBotRNGMonitorLA

The RNG state at the Spear Pillar advances at a slow rate. Moving to a more populated area allows you to advance the RNG state much more quickly. In the example image above, the player is standing next to a large body of water in an area densely populated with Pokemon.

Consider leaving Spear Pillar and heading to a location where the RNG state advances more rapidly if you need to cover a large amount of frame advancements. If you have moved locations, make sure to leave enough time to reposition yourself to avoid overshooting your target frame.

Figure 5 - Advancing To The Target

We are now back at Spear Pillar and approximately 2253 frames away from the target. Earlier, we calculated a rough delay of 58-65, which means the goal now is to press the A button on frame approximately 2188-2195, then skip the cutscene as quickly as possible.

2253 (target) - 58 (delay) = 2195 (new target)

Figure 6 - Hitting The Target Frame

Get to the screen of the final A press, and let EncBotRNGMonitorLA run until the Logs tab displays the correct target frame, then press the A button, then skip the cutscene as fast as possible for the best chances of hitting the correct target frame.

It is now time to defeat the boss, then inspect the Palkia using PokeViewer.NET Box Viewer to see if we hit the correct target. If you are targeting the base form Dialga/Palkia you can use the basic Battle View function instead.

Figure 7 - Result Found!

We hit our target frame and have secured a Palkia with 6 perfect IVs! That's all there is to it!

Final Note - Keen eyed readers may notice that the example uses PKHeX to view the box slot that contains our Pokemon, PokeViewer is considered to be more user friendly and does the same job.

Death Method

If you are reading this text you have decided to use the Death Method, here you can find a worked example of how to RNG abuse Origin Dialga/Palkia using this method.

Getting Started (Delay Calculation):

You will need to calculate the rough delay for this encounter. The term 'delay' refers to how long it takes for the Pokemon to generate after the final A Press. Since the number of frames that advance during the cutscene is variable, it's important to take a few practice attempts to determine a delay that is consistent for you.

Delay Calculation Method:
  • Enter the boss battle, then whittle the HP of the boss down to a single bar.
  • Intentionally take damage and lose the fight, go through the dialog until you reach the screen of the final A press. (This screen!)
  • Enter the Switch home menu to freeze the RNG state, then check your current seed by running EncBotCopySeedLA in Moarencounterbots.
  • Paste in your current seed into the RNG script, then search without filters. This will provide the starting frame.
  • Press the Home button (⌂) again to unpause the game and quickly press the A button. This will put you back into battle with a freshly generated boss.
  • Defeat the boss and inspect the result using PokeViewer to find the frame it was generated on. That will be your delay for this attempt.

Figure 1 - Calculating Delay (Death Method)

After following the delay calculation steps and searching for the PID of the encountered Palkia, we find that it was generated on frame 4. Therefore, our delay for this attempt is 4. After 5 attempts, we have the following delay values:

Attempt Delay Value
Attempt 1 4
Attempt 2 3
Attempt 3 3
Attempt 4 2
Attempt 5 3

This means a safe delay value to target in future attempts is 2-4. The delay values shown here are based on how quickly I was able to restart the battle with Palkia; your values may vary depending on how quickly you are able to re-enter the battle.

Now that we have a rough delay range, it's time to focus on finding a suitable seed and target frame.

Figure 2 - Setting Filters

In this example, the filters are configured to search for any Palkia with 6 perfect IVs (31/31/31/31/31/31). You can further customize the filters if desired, such as specifying a particular nature or optimizing for 0 IV values, such as 0 Attack.

Figure 3 - Target Frame Found

Great! We discovered a 6IV Hardy Palkia after 49,350 advances within a cluster of 9. A cluster refers to a group of frames that produce the same end result; the larger the cluster, the greater the chances of hitting the correct target frame.

Now, we need to advance close to our target frame. Monitor your RNG state by running EncBotRNGMonitorLA in Moarencounterbots; this will track the number of advancements that occur in real time.

Figure 4 - RNG State Monitoring Using EncBotRNGMonitorLA

The RNG state at the Spear Pillar advances at a slow rate. Moving to a more populated area allows you to advance the RNG state much more quickly. In the example image above, the player is standing next to a large body of water in an area densely populated with Pokemon.

Consider leaving Spear Pillar and heading to a location where the RNG state advances more rapidly if you need to cover a large amount of frame advancements. If you have moved locations, make sure to leave enough time to reposition yourself to avoid overshooting your target frame.

It can take between 1000-5,000 advancements to whittle it down to a single bar of HP depending on your skill level. Leave yourself enough time to head back to Spear Pillar and whittle down the boss' HP bar to ensure you do not overshoot the target.

Figure 5 - Advancing To The Target

We have relocated to Spear Pillar and are ~3000 frames away from the target frame, we are now ready to engage in a battle against the boss.

Figure 6 - Getting Into Position

The boss is down to a single bar of HP and we are close to the target frame, it's time to let the boss win by taking damage until the trainer blacks out.

Get to the screen of the final A press, and let EncBotRNGMonitorLA run until the Logs tab displays the correct target frame, then press the A button to regenerate the boss as quickly as possible for the best chance of success.

Figure 7 - Hitting The Target Frame

Subtract the delay from the target frame to calculate the frame of the final A press, earlier we calculated a rough delay of 3, and the target frame after re-checking the current seed is 779, this means the frame we should aim to press the A button on is 776-779.

779 (target frame) - 3 (rough delay) = 776 (frame to press A)

It is now time to defeat the boss, then inspect the Palkia using PokeViewer.NET Box Viewer to see if we hit the correct target.

Figure 8 - Result Found!

We hit our target frame and have secured a Palkia with 6 perfect IVs! That's all there is to it!

Final Note - Keen eyed readers may notice that the example uses PKHeX to view the box slot that contains our Pokemon, PokeViewer is considered to be more user friendly and does the same job.